
Membership in Marine Corps League

Why Join

Most Marines join the Marine Corps League to continue to enjoy camaraderie and esprit de corps with other Marines and FMF Corpsman.  Participation in your local Marine Corps League Detachment offers many opportunities to serve your community and other veterans through our Detachment projects and programs. Marines take care of their own and have a reputation for getting things done. 

Join Marine Corps League Bartelme-Schwefel Detachment 349 (Watertown, WI)

To join MCL 349, download, print and complete this form: MCL Membership-Application
Mail your completed application with a copy of your DD-214 (Member 4 copy that shows your discharge rating) and $35 to the following address:
Marine Corps League Detachment 349
P.O. Box 251
Watertown, WI 53094
Contact the MCL 349 Adjutant / Paymaster using the web form for assistance as needed. Contact form: MCL 349

Marine Corps League Detachment 349 Annual Renewals

Current members of Detachment 349, should renew by mailing a check for $35 to the Detachment address listed above or bring to the August meeting. Membership year begins on September 1st each year.  Send your check in early August to ensure your membership does not lapse.

Transfer from another Marine Corps League Detachment

Current Marine Corps League members can transfer between detachments or join a detachment from a Member-at-large membership. To transfer, complete the following form and submit per instructions on the form: MCL Request forTransfer

Join Marine Corps League as a Member-at-Large

To join Marine Corps League as a Member-at-Large (not affiliated with a detachment) complete the application from the Marine Corps League National website. Marine-at Large Application

Marine Corps League Life Membership

If you are a current Marine Corps League member in good standing (dues paid), you may be interested in Life Membership vice paying annual dues.  Life membership cost is determined by your age as follows:

Age to 35            $500

Age 36 to 50      $400

Age 51 to 64       $300

Age 65 and up   $200